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Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

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What do you make of this story? Either Robert Gibbs misspoke in raising this Queen business, or someone in the Obama White House was supposed to handle this chore and didn't get around to it. Weird.

I think it's pretty clear at this point that Obama has some kind of thing about poor Gordon Brown. He doesn't really like the guy. Maybe it's just that Brown is very unpopular, and Obama is suspicious that Brown would try to bask in Obama's refracted glow. But that wouldn't explain non-watchable DVDs.

The more chilling possibility, of course, is that it isn't really about Brown and that Obama just doesn't like England that much. Could this be possible?

When Barack and I were growing up -- we're about the same age -- Britain was the coolest thing going. The Beatles, the Stones, everything that came after -- I would have killed to have a British accent when I was young. I doubt he was immune to this. Usually these emotional impulses, the ones that get implanted into your DNA when you're very young. But maybe he was immune to it. Strange.

Hence, the contest: Since Obama gave Brown DVDs about America, what DVDs about Britain would you suggest he see in order that he get a better, fuller, more nuanced picture of your great nation? I don't necessarily mean patriotic or happy-talk movies, just great movies that are very British. My list: This Happy Breed; Brief Encounter; The Entertainer; The Four Feathers; A Hard Day's Night; Last Orders (very underappreciated); Look Back in Anger; Goodbye, Mr. Chips; something by Hitchcock, and something by Powell and Pressburger, though I'm not sure what. ? Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

[Source: Nascar News]

Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

[Source: Mma News]

Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

[Source: Home News]

Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

Queen Elizabeth's D-Day anniversary snub, and a Tomasky blog contest

posted by 88956 @ 10:03 PM, ,

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

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Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) indicated today that his current job would be his last, "a statement likely to deflate the hopes of many conservatives around the country that he'd run for president in 2012," according to Real Clear Politics.

Said Daniels: "I've only ever run for or held one office. It's the last one I'm going to hold."

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: State News]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: Kenosha News]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: Mexico News]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: World News]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

posted by 88956 @ 8:54 PM, ,

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

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teaparty2Over at NRO I have an article suggesting that the Tea Party movement adopt as its program what I am calling “Reagan’s Unfinished Agenda.”? In one sentence, it describes a way of going on offense, and getting out of the defensive crouch that is the dominant posture of conservatives at the moment.

… starting in 1987, Reagan offered a more comprehensive package he called the ?SEconomic Bill of Rights.? In addition to the balanced-budget and line-item veto amendments, Reagan proposed three additional amendments that would impose a federal spending limit, require a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate for any tax increases, and prohibit wage and price controls.

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Santa Barbara News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: The Daily News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Duluth News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Channel 6 News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: News 2]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Home News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Broadcasting News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

posted by 88956 @ 8:18 PM, ,


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